Quarter 15 update – September 2017

During this quarter the focus of our research effort has continued to be on monitoring of the Formula Student team and testing of the NCC competence mapping tool. In addition, this quarter has seen two PDRAs start lectureships in Engineering and Design at the universities of Bristol and Bath respectively.

This included an LoCM exhibit at the Formula Student event, an industry workshop on the exploitation of digital assets and a master classes on digital data extraction and visualization for the Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI).

Just over 30 people attended our workshop including Airbus (keynote speakers), Thales, Wessex Water, HS2, ARUP, EAML, RiskHive, Ares (Bath & Industry – speaker), Dashboard Ltd, Ex JLR gent, Loughborough Uni/Rolls Royce and Coventry University. A big thank you to everyone for making it such an interesting, engaging and valuable day!


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